2015 - 2017
“Experiments often test the experimenter more than the subject.” J.G Ballard
What is the best way to meet an individual?

It could be conducting a series of interviews of endless duration, or perhaps remaining silent and watching how the interviewed unfolds in his monolog, another option is to provoke situations to see how he reacts.

George Bataille explained the paradox of how an individual has to stop being himself to be in society. From this, I have focused on one of the powers involved in this control, the psychiatrist, pitting it against another kind of power, deliberately interrupting the chain.

(*) The sociopath violates the laws, but not drawing any of its infringement utility, instead by considering intolerable the very existence of the rules. The characteristic feature of a sociopath according to any psychiatric clinical picture is the fact that they do not suffer any alteration in their intelligence.

I use a sociopath strategy based on the game and handling, submitting myself to a psychiatric treatment and from there I analyze the psychiatric method. Through questions and comments of the psychiatrist, I build a false biography, distance myself inside the dreams and frustrations of another, so I can elaborate fantasies and hate letters based on that fiction, to build a diagnosis and a prescription. I embody the figure of the patient as an antagonistic power, a negative mirror of the psychiatrist.
Installation view of the series of drawings of the Project Salivation. House intervened for the exhibition in Magdalena del Mar. 2017
View of the shortfilm Salivation in the exhibition at my house - workshop in Magdalena del Mar 2017.
View of the shortfilm Salivation in the exhibition at my house - workshop in Magdalena del Mar 2017.